Special Workover Rig
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ZYT5301TXJ Snubbing Workover Rig
Author:管理中心  Source: Release date:2014-7-31 Clicks:1406
ZYT5301TXJ workover rig (main truck of snubbing workover rig) is truck-mounted type workover equipment, it adopts homemade 6×6 special chassis. High speed diesel engine is equipped on deck, it adopts hydraulic mechanical transmission mode, the starting torque is strong, the transmission efficiency is high; It matches with drawworks assembly, two section telescopic mast, integrated box type crown, 4×5 traveling structure, hydraulic and air control system etc. It is mainly used for middle and small workover job in oil and water well and the suitable oil tube is 73mm (2.7/8″), the well depth is 3600m~4000m.
① The Workover rig mast designed specially for snubbing device, both the structure and the strength can meet the working requirements of snubbing well. ② The chassis adopts homemade special chassis, it has a good shock absorption performance, it is easy to operate and ride, it has a good cross-country performance. ③ The power system adopts high speed diesel engine matching with hydraulic transmission box, the transmission is steady and soft, the operation is simple and easy. ④ The layout of workover rig and snubbing device is unified, it is easy to operate. ⑤ The product is equipped with DC lighting system, it is able to work for a whole day. ⑥ The workover rig is designed and produced according to API standards.

Workover depth 2 7/8″ upset tubing



Nominal hook load



Max. hook load



Mast height



Max. fast line pull



Dia. of rope / Effective number of rope



Max lifting speed of hook


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